Friday, February 29, 2008

Work on the Site

Getting closer to actually launching this site for once and for all...
I created a page for Cindy Medina and have been corresponding with her. I think I finally got the links right. Anyway, she's about the third person to tell me about Shane Sellers' new book Freedom's Rein. It seems like everyone I know is going to get it. I have plans to someday have a racing library in my home and that will make a great addition. So check it out, friends!!

Anyway, because of that busy-ness and a day spent traipsing to the doctor, the mammo-ray and the other assorted infirmities departments (because what 'tracker has time to see the doctor anyway? And I get a day off- most of the workers don't, plus they work morning and evening, even if only to feed the animals.

Have spent a number of hours working on several different issues related to getting the site going, so I have't said much on the regular BLOG. Not that I haven't had something to say, because it's been a heck of a week or two. Gotta Go!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I've Moved!!

This Blog is now being published at The Far Turn Dot Net. I'm so excited I could squeal like a hog.