Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Moving!!

I bought a new domain and I'll be moving the whole website. The new joint will be at The Far Turn (dot) Net. I'm going to forget about the drupal app and the classifieds for now and try to focus on just a couple of sections- the BLOG, Forum, and also some way to profile the local racetrackers.

That's all for now. Gotta get started!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More News - Mostly Not Good

This time my classified section, which I was hoping to set up again for horsemen, has been hijacked by some asshole. Why these people need to pick on me I have no idea. Nobody's reading any of this crap but me, and it's a waste of everybody's time. I'm still glad that nobody legitimate has showed up here yet- I need to get thse bugs worked out.

That's all for now.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The News Right Now is There is No News

As of this posting, all I can say is that my domain renewal is coming up, and I can't decide whether to keep this old domain or register a new one or both. I have a great shopping cart for an e-commerce website that I hate to give up; the fact was I was going to use it for the site's shop, which I wanted to have for two reasons- one, to help pay for this website and hopefully me for creating it, and also because I want to find and be able to sell the kinds of things that riders need (because I like the idea of riders being able to shop online.)

As long as I have had these two applications, the site and the (currently unused shopping cart) they have done little but cost money. I think I am too shy to get the Far Turn rolling because it is simply not perfect, and I have nobody to help me create a good design.

That about wraps it up for now. If anyone was actually reading this, I might even get some help.