Thursday, April 15, 2010

This blog has moved

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Discussion Board

I've just begun to renovate the discussion board so anybody in my facebook group called The Far Turn (and anyone who happens across this page by accident) might take a shot at getting acquainted with it and become a "charter member"! (whoo---pie.)

Here's he thing: I haven't gotten the Category-to-Forum index figured out, so there are going to be some changes going on. Also, you have to submit a mambership request and wait until I confirm you. I don't want all porno members like I had in my last forum.

Thanks, Liz

Friday, December 19, 2008

Yo. I'm working on making a new post. Come back!!! Later today, hopefully. TANKS.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Work on the Site

Getting closer to actually launching this site for once and for all...
I created a page for Cindy Medina and have been corresponding with her. I think I finally got the links right. Anyway, she's about the third person to tell me about Shane Sellers' new book Freedom's Rein. It seems like everyone I know is going to get it. I have plans to someday have a racing library in my home and that will make a great addition. So check it out, friends!!

Anyway, because of that busy-ness and a day spent traipsing to the doctor, the mammo-ray and the other assorted infirmities departments (because what 'tracker has time to see the doctor anyway? And I get a day off- most of the workers don't, plus they work morning and evening, even if only to feed the animals.

Have spent a number of hours working on several different issues related to getting the site going, so I have't said much on the regular BLOG. Not that I haven't had something to say, because it's been a heck of a week or two. Gotta Go!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I've Moved!!

This Blog is now being published at The Far Turn Dot Net. I'm so excited I could squeal like a hog.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Moving!!

I bought a new domain and I'll be moving the whole website. The new joint will be at The Far Turn (dot) Net. I'm going to forget about the drupal app and the classifieds for now and try to focus on just a couple of sections- the BLOG, Forum, and also some way to profile the local racetrackers.

That's all for now. Gotta get started!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More News - Mostly Not Good

This time my classified section, which I was hoping to set up again for horsemen, has been hijacked by some asshole. Why these people need to pick on me I have no idea. Nobody's reading any of this crap but me, and it's a waste of everybody's time. I'm still glad that nobody legitimate has showed up here yet- I need to get thse bugs worked out.

That's all for now.