Saturday, November 24, 2007

Greetings From The Small Time

The News is that this site is finally going to take off. It's been sitting here since '05 dreaming about going big and hoping to find a smart web person who wants to help develop it (or else luck into a lot of money and pay someone to do it. But we gotta get in before we can win, so I'm doing this backwards. The site needs all the help it can get, friends.
Those of you whom I have sent links to it, you need to start posting in the Forum.


Posting a message: "I need to get my gate OK at Podunk Downs; there's a race Friday and I have to handle this by Tuesday. Anybody out there....?"

And getting a reply by the next day; " I'll meet you at the Gate at 8:30. I'll wait five minutes. Don't be late."

And you never even had to ask anybody. I'm saying this because the trainers are surrounded by people just like them -- They all need the same stuff, and they are always asking us Exercise riders to find somebody. We spend four hours there and they're there all day and sometimes all night, so who has more time to find help?"

But if you can get online here, you don't even have to know who you are asking: Just ask, and you have a potential score of similar-minded individuals who need you as bad as you need them.

Can you see the benefit here?

And you can even be from the big time... I mean, you can be from Hollywood park and do this, too. This site may be humble now, but you never know; it could grow, and it will but you have to show up and keep passing on the address.



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